Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 2 Day 6

Stopped by the house during lunch. Arnold wasn't in today but I spoke to Martin:
  1. He wanted to know if we could get the appliances delivered early. He needs to know where the outlets need to be and how many are necessary. For instance, does the oven/microwave/warming drawer use one singular 220 volt outlet to power all three appliances or does each appliance need it's own outlet? I printed the manuals for the Oven and Fan from their websites- these were the two appliances he had questions about. I also told Dad of Martin's request and he called Mukesh Uncle who is having the installer from Abt come to the house tomorrow to direct Martin on where he'd like to see the outlets for when they do the installation.
  2. Location of light closest to bathroom and what light switch should it be connected to. Do we want the light centered with the bathroom or centered with the hallway? Also, do we want the switch controlling this light to be the same one that controls the foyer light or separate? A. After talking to Mom and Parag we've decided to have the light centered with the bathroom and controlled by the foyer light switch.
  3. Pipes in the bathroom. Already spoke to Parag about this but Martin wanted to know if we were using a pedestal or a cabinet base. Turns out...neither. We're using a wall mounted base.
  4. Electrical in the Island. We really should have told them before they laid the flooring that we wanted an outlet in the island. They may have to tear down some of our basement ceiling to make this happen. Alternatively, they might be able to run a line from one of the can lights in the basement but this outlet would not be limited to low surge devices. Neither of these options sound particularly good to me but I don't know if there's a better solution. A. After talking to mom and dad, we've decided to forgo the outlet on the island.
  5. Will our bathroom fan also have a light? Martin said it wouldn't be hard to wire the electrical but pointed out that our bathroom is small. He said that after putting a light over the vanity, which is necessary to properly look at yourself in the mirror, the ventfan light is for all intents and purposes worthless. It'll get drowned out by the vanity light. I told him I understood and that it makes sense to me but I'll let him know what we want to do after talking to the family.
They were only working on electrical so I didn't bother taking pictures during lunch. I'll snap a couple shots when I get home and post later.

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