Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fireplace Problem...maybe

I just spoke to Arthur about the fireplace, explaining to him what I wrote in the previous post and emailed to Arnold earlier today. Apparently there may be a problem with having a mantle so close to the fireplace. Building regulations require all wood to be at least 12 inches away from a fireplace and our mantle will be a wood base wrapped with tile. Arthur said he wasn't sure if having tile around the wood changes things. I asked him if there exists a material other than wood that we could use to frame the mantle but he didn't think there was. That said, Dad spoke to Arnold who confirmed that he received and read my email, and he didn't say anything about there being a problem with what we requested so hopefully this is a nonissue. (Thinking this out logically, I understand why one wouldn't want wood very close to an active fireplace but 1) our fireplace is borderline inactive and 2) in our case the wood is behind a row of bricks and wrapped in tile, which makes me think it's unlikely that enough heat could ever transfer through to light a fire, but then again, I'm not a contractor).

Arthur also confirmed that the Nutone light we want to use would fit in the bathroom.

Lastly, I texted Arnold, who's coming to the house tomorrow, to bring counter top samples for us.

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