Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 8: Modified Layout

Sketch of Laundry Room with sink

Sketch of stove wall with new pantry sizes.

Sketch of sink wall.

Sketch of Island. Now with four 24" drawers/cabinets instead of two 30" cabinets and one 36" drawer.

Can't write much because on occasion I do have to do some work but I wanted to get these sketches up for everyone ASAP. Before Arnold came we all counseled mom to look at his recommendations with a wary eye and to not agree to anything until she knows she's completely satisfied AND we all get a chance to critique his suggestions. She understood, I think she did that, and she seems very happy with the options he's presented. Still, she told him she'd like her family to look at the sketches and she'll let him know tomorrow. Personally, I'm glad she made him draw it out and seeing it all like this I think the kitchen will look pretty sweet but either way we should discuss and come up with an answer for Arnold for tomorrow.

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