Thursday, July 15, 2010

More Pictures

Some updated pictures. Nothing too crazy to report today. All of the cabinets except the laundry room sink cab are installed. Apparently that cabinet was delivered to the wrong work site. Other than that the guys are doing small things like touching up cabinets, putting a second coat of pain on the ceiling, painting the edges of the walls the appropriate colors, etc. By the end of the day they will have the grout laid and there's a decent chance we can get the washer/dryer reinstalled tomorrow- only potential hold up is the fact that we don't have a dryer duct anymore, both because the siding guys sided over it (per our direction) and the reconfiguration of the laundry room made the original hole unusable. They can fix this but Martin couldn't do it as of lunch today because he was waiting for Arnold to deliver the parts.

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