Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Loose Ends

I spoke to Arnold last night. We talked about the scratches on some of the doors. He said any that need to be replaced will be replaced. He also said they have touch up paint that will make most of the minor imperfections disappear.

We also discussed the gap between the laundry room and the kitchen. He was anticipating this gap. Apparently, the supplier not having the proper sized pantry's threw off the original measurements which are what he used when deciding placement of the laundry room door. He has filler pieces that will cover up the hole. Mona suggested we use the filler pieces to line the outer regions of the space to create a small cubby hole that can be used to store brooms, bags, or whatever. I'll talk to Arnold about this today.

Finally, Arnold told me that yesterday he just finished up a job in the city. This is relevant for us because he now has additional manpower which he can dedicate to our job. He anticipates moving very quickly now and by this time next week the project should be just about completed. Of course, this is predicated on us getting the island granite and the permit for the fireplace electrical.

I'll stop by during lunch to discuss progress payments and take pictures.

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