Thursday, September 23, 2010

Finally Done...

Well, we got someone else to finish the job but the long journey is finally complete. Overall I think we're fairly pleased with how everything came out. The cabinets are still not ideal and I'm pretty sure the sample we looked at was of higher quality than what was ultimately installed but I'm so psyched that we're done that I don't even care!

Click here to see the before pics.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day before the last day...maybe?

Big Day today. Arnold, a guy I don't know, and Arthur are all at the house. The goal is to finish everything but the punchlist items. This means install the dining room light (already done as of 12:30), fix the island light, finish grouting the fireplace (done), install the bathroom mirror, finish up the floors, etc. If the items I just listed get finished, we can call the inspector AND we can begin moving furniture. I'm betting that having family room furniture is going to make a WORLD of difference.

Mantle Grouted

Fireplace Floor Grouted

Dining Room Light

Friday, August 20, 2010

Backsplash + Grout

So Close

Stopped by the house this morning to see how the island countertop looked and was pleasantly surprised to see that the backsplash was finished. Here are some updated pictures. As I was leaving I also saw Arthur pulling into the subdivision.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Partial Backsplash/Oven

Things are coming together. The backsplash is looking solid, the oven is installed, Arthur is at HomeDepot buying the pieces necessary to finish the dishwasher and install the kitchen sink, Luigi's guys are on their way to install the island countertop, and Arnold's nephew is over cleaning the cabinets so they can be used. After tomorrow, I believe we'll have what amounts to a fully functional kitchen.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Back by popular demand...

...or guilt. Maybe it's back by guilt! Just kidding. Here are some updated pics. Pay particular attention to the last picture, I'm thinking option 2 but won't send the email to Arnold until 9ish. If for any reason you think we shouldn't go that route, please let me know before that time.

The circled part is option one. This is just a standard brick pattern. The other part is option two. With option two we'll have three or four different sized bricks with one of them being a different colored marble. Arnold suggested emperador brown which can be seen by clicking HERE.